Digital China Group Co., Ltd.
Stock Code: 000034.SZ

Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Digital China”; Stock Code: 000034. SZ).

Since its establishment in 2000, Digital China has been devoting to energizing digital transformation for the industry with independent innovation of core technologies and advancing great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by digital technologies under the concept of “taking the lead in concepts, technologies & practices” . In 2022, Digital China achieved an annual turnover of 115.88 billion yuan, ranking the 123th on Fortune China Listed Companies 500 (2023) and 29th on the Forbes 2022 China Digital Economy 100 list.

Committed to becoming a leading digital transformation partner, Digital China innovatively proposed the strategy of “Data-Cloud Fusion” and technical system framework around key elements of digital transformation. Centering on core technologies of cloud native, digital native and data-cloud fusion and product production and service capabilities, the Company provides ubiquitous and agile IT capabilities and integrated data-driven capabilities for FMCG retail, automobile, finance, medical care, government and enterprise, education, operators and clients in other industries, builds cross-border integrated and innovative digital scenarios and new models, helps enterprise-level clients establish future-oriented core capabilities and competitive advantages, and comprehensively promotes the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of society.

Enterprise Strength
  • 16.5+billion USD

    Annual Revenue (2023)

  • 2600+

    Number of Engineers

  • 30000+

    Ecological partners

  • No.123

    Listed Chinese Company in Fortune 500 (2023)

  • No.29

    Top 100 Chinese Digital Economy in Forbes (2022)

  • No.79

    Top 500 Private Enterprises in China (2023)

  • No.1

    IT distribution and value-added distribution for more than ten years

  • No.2

    Managed Cloud Service Market in China(2022H1)

  • No.9

    ITAI Server Enterprise Leader-board(2022)

  • No.8

    ITAI PC Enterprises Leader-board (2022)

International Innovation Center of Digital China

International Innovation Center (IIC) of Digital China has brought together leaders from finance, high-end service, digital industry, intelligent manufacturing and TMT and introduced Fortune Global 500, Fortune China 500. It is committed to building a digital industry demonstration benchmark in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and an economic engine of Shenzhen headquarters.

In the future, with the settlement of three listed companies, Digital China, DC Holdings and Shenzhou Information, IIC will also attract cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other high-tech enterprises to settle in, so as to connect data, share resource and collaborate business among upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, and coexist with enterprises.